
Brave heart movie
Brave heart movie

Braveheart also suggests that Wallace's actions in response to his wife's death triggered a wider rebellion against the English. This may have been why he became one of the leading early Scottish rebels. More likely, Wallace was either ambitious to break English authority or resented his ancestral lands' English occupation. However, a later poem mentioned he had a wife killed, which led him to seek revenge. In fact, no records exist of William Wallace having ever been married. In the movie, William Wallace began fighting against the English after his wife's death in 1297, who, according to tot the movie, was killed by the English.

brave heart movie

That may have been the most feasible path for him to have gained fighting experience and possibly learn about English war tactics. In fact, one possibility is he fought with King Edward I as a mercenary during that king's wars against the Welsh. We know that Wallace was an experienced swordsman and knight, indicating he may have fought in wars before his own rebellion and participation in the wars against the English. First, it is assumed Wallace came from a noble family two villages are often claimed as his birthplaces (Elderslie and Ellerslie), both on the western part of Scotland. However, little is known about Wallace's early years. In the movie, William Wallace is suggested to have traveled in Europe during Edward I's occupation of Scotland. While much of the story depicted did occur, including the English occupation of Scotland during the time of Edward I, king of England, the depiction of the revolt against the English and other events do not correspond well to historical accounts.

Brave heart movie